Auditori Barcelona

 “La música ens toca”
(Music touches us)

Global Campaign 2017/18
After two years of campaigns created for the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra (OBC) to widespread public approval and critical acclaim, we proposed that L’Auditori de Barcelona should move on to creating a global campaign based on the same concept and claim for the whole institution for its 2017/18 season. This would help build up a stronger and more consistent brand, and would give greater impact to the other musical programmes that take place at the same venue.

The concept was “Music Touches Us”. Through the metaphor of making music visible by using beautifully coloured powder, we relayed the concept of sound emerging from the instruments and directly touching the audience, themselves such a vital part of any musical experience

Each colour represents different musical programmes reaching out to their different audiences, who are all seated in the same hall and are portrayed on the back of the promotional booklet. For the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra, the ambassadors of the campaign, we created a TV commercial and a wide range of images for multiple promotional supports and advertisements in the press, in outdoor locations and on buses, and in the social media.

Strategy / Creativity / Production

